Welcome to Mauja!

This is my final project during my games programming study period at the SAE Institute in Cologne. It is a fun multiplayer VR game where the player can customize his character and create his own style. The user can just have fun together and enjoy VR or play minigames like throwing a ball at another and then run away.

customize your character
create your own style
play with your friends
or just have fun together
the lounge to chill
the beach level
a typical office
the cinema
status: study project 04/2017 - 09/2017

duration: 5 months

engine: Unreal Engine 4.16

language: C++

team: 1 Programmer & 5 Game Artists

role: Lead & Programmer
Mauja is a multiplayer VR fun game. We created this project as our final study project because we had a lot of fun developing it. You can customize the avatar with different body slots and move around. The main part of the game takes place in the levels like the beach or the office. There, the users can play minigames like throwing a ball at each other and run away to score. They can play in random teams or everyone against another. Developing this project was challenging. Fluid VR multiplayer and a expandable customizable system are only two examples.