Welcome to The Crazy Hospital!

setup the level
maze generated building
avoid the zombies
control the zombies into traps
avoid the traps
status: study project 01/2017 - 02/2017

duration: 2 months

engine: Unreal Engine 4.14

language: Blueprint

team: 1 Programmer

role: Programmer (world generation & AI)
This project was done during my games programming study in the second halt of the second semester. To realize this I used the Unreal Engine 4.14 and the scripts are written in blueprints. For the generation of the building I used a maze generation algorithm. Based on the generated maze I split the maze in an 2d array with 2x2 Parts. I checked the parts to create the rooms. The zombies have a basics finite state machine. If they see the player in a range they walk towards them and if their close enough they attack the player. The player can avoid the zombies or kill them by direct them by following into the traps.