Welcome to The Island!

This is a small project that I worked on for three weeks with a new engine (CryEngine 5.6). I never worked with this engine before and I allways wanted to try this engine because of its closeness to a bigger company in house engine.

explore the island
walk around everywhere
drive any vehicle
explore every house
fight against enemies
status: finished small project 10/2019

duration: 3 weeks

engine: CryEngine 5.6

language: C++

team: 1 Programmer

role: Gameplay
I wanted to work with an game engine that is as close to an house internal engine as possible and therefore the CryEngine was my choice. Most of the time I tried things by myself and only if I could not find a solution by myself I worked with the community. Because of the core C++ based game engine it was not too hard to get into the functionylities and the workflow of the engine. Maybe I develop this project to a complete game in the future.